
Name: Motusaga Vaeoso

Email: motusaga.vaeoso@crag.as

Subject: Awesome Service

Message: Talofa Crux Marine,

Thank you for taking care of us during our diving adventure this last weekend. Even though the water was choppy during our transit both ways, I had confident in the captain and his crew to get us safely to our destination and back home. Captain Peter Taliva'a and Mike were great host who had everything covered during our dive adventure. They never lost sight of us and were always on alert for any changes to weather conditions. Life jackets were on board for everyone, snorkel gear was also available and best of all diving gear and tanks! So excited to dive more around some of the remote sites on island now that there is Crux Marine to provide us with this affordable and reliable service. I will definitely recommend your services to our diving community on island and friends and family who would like to do boat tours around Tutuila. Again thank you and look forward to more adventures with Crux Marine in the future.

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